Important Traffic Information And Course Map For Friday’s Park Point 5 Miler
Whether you're involved with the Park Point 5 Miler or just in the area, this important Traffic Advisory from the Duluth Police Department will ensure the runners are safe and that you get to your destination on time. Here's the skinny:
The “Park Point 5 Miler” race is to be held Friday evening, July 18, starting at 6:30 p.m. on Minnesota Avenue. The race will begin on Minnesota Avenue near Sky Harbor Airport. Runners will come north on the roadway to the turnaround near 24th Street and back.
Motorists wanting to enter Park Point will be stopped at 24th Street and those already at the Park will be held there beginning at 6:00 p.m. for approximately 60 minutes. Motorists wishing to come to and from Park Point should anticipate this delay and plan accordingly. Motorists should also be alert to runners in the roadway and officers directing traffic near 24th and the Park Point Recreation area.
A 2-mile walk (my daughter Kylee won her age division last year) and short races for children accompany the 5-mile run. These races are held on the soccer field at the end of Park Point.
You can still register the day of the event, but arrive early!!
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