Good Morning America Reporter Goes Live In Duluth
It has definitely been a very eventful week, especially in the weather world! A massive blizzard moved in Tuesday (December 13th) and snow continues to be dumped across the state as we speak.
We have seen so much snow during this period that the storm itself has made history as one of the top ten two-day snowfall events in Duluth. Curious just how much snow has fallen in Duluth? According to the National Weather Service of Duluth, about twenty-one inches of snow fell as of nine a.m. Thursday morning.
It certainly wrecked havoc on the area! Falling snow and ice on bridges and buildings have caused issues for those that have had to travel over the past few days and many buildings and businesses were forced to close early.
The Duluth Skywalk had to close early on Wednesday night and places like Bentleyville and Spirit Mountain had no choice but to close up early or not open at all due to dangerous travel conditions and weather.

Now that we've made it through part one of the storm and are waiting out part two, the shock of it all has wore off a bit! It has been a pretty crazy few days but don't just take my word for it! This was such a big storm that it was featured on Good Morning America.
Good Morning America sent a reporter to go live in Duluth early Wednesday morning, right as the storm was hitting the area. You can't come to Duluth without at least seeing Bentleyville, so the shot was set up in front of the light show.
The shot is really pretty but I did feel a little bad for the reporter, who probably isn't used to all of this snow and cold! He talked about the blizzard conditions in the area and also mentioned how Lake Superior at that time was still not frozen over.
Lake Superior, by the way, definitely had something to say about the broadcast and shared these thoughts on Twitter.
You know that the weather is bad when a national news outlet sends a reporter not only to the area but sends them outside live in the midst of a storm! Trevor Ault is a correspondent for ABC and I have a feeling he won't be asking to cover a snowstorm again after this one. Ha!
This storm was no joke as some parts of the Northland saw two feet of snow or more! Some places even got closer to thirty inches of snow. We will have to wait out the rest of the storm to see the final totals and then hope for a little bit of a break from the snow for awhile.
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