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Why Is It Called A Moscow Mule And Served In A Copper Cup?
Why Is It Called A Moscow Mule And Served In A Copper Cup?
Why Is It Called A Moscow Mule And Served In A Copper Cup?
Recently I was out with co-workers and Dani, our receptionist and the gal you see when you pick up prizes at B105, ordered a Moscow Mule.  I asked what the drink was made out of and why they serve it in a copper cup.  She was able to answer one of those questions, the other spurred a table conversation.
Reusable VS Plastic Bags, How Do You Feel About Paying A Bag Fee?
Reusable VS Plastic Bags, How Do You Feel About Paying A Bag Fee?
Reusable VS Plastic Bags, How Do You Feel About Paying A Bag Fee?
If you think that paying a fee for the bag you put your purchases in would never happen (after all, they want you to shop in their store, right?), think again.  In Minneapolis they are voting on whether businesses should start charging for bags.  This is why and here are my reasons I have trouble using a reusable bag.
Earn Cash With Your Idea To Keep Asian Carp Out Of The Great Lakes [VIDEO]
Earn Cash With Your Idea To Keep Asian Carp Out Of The Great Lakes [VIDEO]
Earn Cash With Your Idea To Keep Asian Carp Out Of The Great Lakes [VIDEO]
We were recently kayaking on the St. Louis River when I thought about an Asian Carp coming out of the water and slapping me in the face, ewwwww!  I was assured that wouldn't happen, at least yet.  They haven't made their way up this far, but they're being proactive to make sure they don't and your idea could "net" (get it?) some cash.
Liver With Soy Sauce (For Those That Don’t Like Liver)
Liver With Soy Sauce (For Those That Don’t Like Liver)
Liver With Soy Sauce (For Those That Don’t Like Liver)
First off, I am NOT a fan. Never have been, but my mom felt she needed to serve liver and would try to make it different ways to make it taste better. Maybe it was the consistency of the meat, I don’t know. I remember being at Old Country Buffet years ago and piling on a huge spoonful of stuffing on my plate. I love stuffing, but this had a “just not right” taste to it. When I asked, I found out i
Is It Bologna Or Baloney?
Is It Bologna Or Baloney?
Is It Bologna Or Baloney?
Call me simple (or cheap), but I’ve been a fan of baloney since I was kid, always Oscar Mayer. At age 7, I was left alone all summer while my mom was at work and a baloney sandwich was a staple in my world. I used it as hors d'oeuvre when I was about 10 and had my first Tupperware party and even used it as a fun breakfast food for my daughter when she was young. Let me explain.
Another First For Me, Tripping While On A Training Run
Another First For Me, Tripping While On A Training Run
Another First For Me, Tripping While On A Training Run
I don't get to run in the mornings very often because I'm on the B105 Morning Show, so while on vacation I decided to take advantage of it.  We parked at Bayfront Festival park on a warm sunny day.  I felt good, was relaxed and enjoying the beauty of Lake Superior when out of the blue, I miss stepped and down I went, first time I've ever fallen while running ever!
Who Remembers Knox Blox, Did You Eat Them As A Kid?
Who Remembers Knox Blox, Did You Eat Them As A Kid?
Who Remembers Knox Blox, Did You Eat Them As A Kid?
Did you get Knox Blox when you were young?  It actually made eating jello tolerable and fun.  You mixed Knox unflavored gelatin with a jello flavor of your choice and it hardened in a 9X13 pan.  That allowed you to cut it into squares that you could pick up with your fingers (probably dirty fingers, but hey, we were kids).  Here's the recipe.

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