California Man Embraces First Minnesota Winter By Creating Huge ‘Snowasaurus’
When it comes to winters in Minnesota, you can either curse the cold and the snow, or you can embrace it. I have a friend who moved here from Georgia and for the first few years, he dreaded winter. Then, he decided he needed to find a way to look forward to it so he bought a snowmobile. That was a game-changer.
You can't stop a Minnesota winter, so if you're here you may as well make the most of it. That's a scenario that played out this winter in Anoka, Minnesota when a new resident decided to turn the snow into art.

According to WCCO-TV, Allan Papp and his wife moved to Anoka from Northern California last September so they could be closer to their young grandson Miles. Inspired by Miles, Allan decided to get outside and make a 25-foot-long "Snowasaurus", which to me is way cooler than a snowman!
What's amazing to me is it only took him a couple of hours to finish the creation. However, Papp told WCCO that he has always been artistic. He painted cars for 30 years and while living in California he was known to make elaborate sand sculptures on the beach.
It's not shocking to learn that his grandson loved the "Snowasaurus", but Papp says he's surprised at how much attention he's getting from people outside of his family. Not only does his neighborhood love the creation, but people have reportedly been driving for nearly an hour just to see it.
If you'd like to take a road trip to see the "Snowasaurus" in person, you'll find it near 5th Avenue and Adams Street in Anoka.
Perhaps Allan Papp will build new creations every winter, much like Harry Welty does each winter in Duluth.
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