Volunteers Needed For Chum’s 8th Annual Rhubarb Festival
I remember my mom's home-made Rhubarb Bars. She didn't bake often, and I would never have dreamed THIS would be one of my favorites...but dang, they were good. I really should dig the recipe out and put it in this year's Rhubarb Festival Recipe Contest. Have you ever attended the festival? It's really a fun day!
It's a bit like the Apple Festival, you just don't have to drive as far, (it's held at 11th Aveue East & London Road) it's on Saturday, June 23 from 9a-4p, instead of in the Fall and where ever you would have the word "apple", insert the word "rhubarb". There's rhubarb brats and burritos. Contests for the biggest rhubarb stalk & leaf and as I mentioned above, the recipe contest.
Of course, besides food, there's entertainment of all sorts, Bea Ojakangas and Kim Ode will be selling and autographing their cookbooks. There are stage shows and a silent auction!
Learn more about the event and get details if you want to volunteer [here].