This Class Helps You Prepare For Winter Cycle Commuting
Like it or not, winter in the Twin Ports will be here before we know it. For those that ride a bicycle for fun or for commuting in the winter, there are more things to think about for a winter riding. It's just like anything in the winter that is normally easier in the summer, the dynamic changes and the chances of injury can increase.
To help give you some tips and tricks for riding that cycle in the winter, there will be a small socially distanced class on Wednesday, October 7th. You'll be learning some practical tips, tricks, and techniques. The winter riding workshop will also give you the opportunity to share your experience and maybe gain some knowledge from the experience of others in attendance.
They will be covering various topics like: basic winter bike maintenance, traffic principals, different winter clothing options, bicycle gear, winter specific safety, and much more. You'll also receive a copy of the Minnesota Bicycling Handbook to take home with many of the tips discussed in class in there. The class is from 5:30PM-7:00PM and you can get more information about registering for it HERE. You can also call 218-336-1416 for more information.

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