Telecommunication Construction Starts At Chester Bowl [Video]
A press release I received from the City of Duluth informed of an upcoming project that will replacement a Sprint telecommunications pole with a new permanent mono-pine tower in Chester Bowl Park on the upper hillside. The project will begin on April 13 and that may cause some trails to close temporarily.
Heavy equipment is going in near the western trails of Chester Bowl Park on the upper hillside. Orange fencing will enclose the heavy equipment and you are asked to keep a safe distance from this work area.
Access to most park trails will be maintained, but you may find some trails in the project area inaccessible during the construction project. (See timeline of project below). Be patient, after the project is completed in mid-June you should see all trails fully opened.
Here's the projected project schedule: (barring any weather issues):
- Week of April 13th - Equipment will be in place for foundation work.
- Week of May 11-18 - Fencing of project area and mono-pine tower installation.
- Week of May 25th - Finish landscaping and restoration of the park grounds.
- June 1st - Estimated project completion.
Questions about the project can be directed to the City of Duluth Property & Facilities Management (218) 730-5430.