cell phones

Telecommunication Construction Starts At Chester Bowl [Video]
Telecommunication Construction Starts At Chester Bowl [Video]
Telecommunication Construction Starts At Chester Bowl [Video]
A press release I received from the City of Duluth informed of an upcoming project that will replacement a Sprint telecommunications pole with a new permanent mono-pine tower in Chester Bowl Park on the upper hillside. The project will begin on April 13 and that may cause some trails to close temporarily.
Cloquet Police Department Suggests Options to Parents Looking to Monitor Their Child’s Cell Phone Usage
Cloquet Police Department Suggests Options to Parents Looking to Monitor Their Child’s Cell Phone Usage
Cloquet Police Department Suggests Options to Parents Looking to Monitor Their Child’s Cell Phone Usage
Computers and cell phones, they are very useful and yet can be a source of frustration for parents.  The Cloquet Police Department wants you to know there are options available.  You just need to sit down with your child/children and develop a plan that will work for all.
Minnesota Law Enforcement Agencies Spying On Cellphones
Minnesota Law Enforcement Agencies Spying On Cellphones
Minnesota Law Enforcement Agencies Spying On Cellphones
First, we learned that the NSA was tracking all of our information.  Now it appears that even closer to home, right here in Minnesota, law enforcement agencies are gathering information from citizen's cellphones.   Most of those phones are everyday people, and not criminal.

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