‘Widespread Snow’ Forecast For Minnesota This Week‘Widespread Snow’ Forecast For Minnesota This WeekHere's what you can expect Wednesday (February 5th) into Thursday.Lauren WellsLauren Wells
Local Meteorologist Shares Startling Winter FactLocal Meteorologist Shares Startling Winter FactThis winter has been pretty mild so far. Lauren WellsLauren Wells
Teen Charged With Climbing the Tallest Structure in DuluthTeen Charged With Climbing the Tallest Structure in DuluthA teen in Minnesota has been charged after he climbed the tallest structure in Duluth and caused disruptions to several critical commutations systems.Tony HartTony Hart
Big Change Coming To Popular Morning News Program In DuluthBig Change Coming To Popular Morning News Program In DuluthThe change went into effect on Thursday (October 17th).Lauren WellsLauren Wells
Popular Meteorologist Leaving Duluth MarketPopular Meteorologist Leaving Duluth MarketWe will miss you!! Lauren WellsLauren Wells
Late March Snowstorm Sets New Snow Record For DuluthLate March Snowstorm Sets New Snow Record For DuluthWDIO shared an insane fact about this week's snowstorm.Lauren WellsLauren Wells
Check Out This Insane Duluth Weather RecordCheck Out This Insane Duluth Weather RecordWDIO just shared a fact that will blow your mind.Lauren WellsLauren Wells
Bundle Up! The ‘Feels Like’ Temperature To Drop Over 70 Degrees In Duluth AreaBundle Up! The ‘Feels Like’ Temperature To Drop Over 70 Degrees In Duluth AreaThe week started warm, but that is going to change fast!David DrewDavid Drew
Duluth Shatters 147-Year-Old Record For High TemperatureDuluth Shatters 147-Year-Old Record For High TemperatureThe record was initially broken in the morning, then temperatures kept rising.David DrewDavid Drew
Winter Already?! North Dakota Shares Snowy Images, Is Duluth Area Next?Winter Already?! North Dakota Shares Snowy Images, Is Duluth Area Next?Winter weather is officially in the region!David DrewDavid Drew
September Brings Rainy Weather Record For DuluthSeptember Brings Rainy Weather Record For DuluthWe needed rain but...this is a lot.Lauren WellsLauren Wells
Enormous Tennis Ball Size Hail Wednesday North of Deer River – How Does This Happen?Enormous Tennis Ball Size Hail Wednesday North of Deer River – How Does This Happen?Hailstones that hit Little Jessie Lake Wednesday were as large as tennis balls, hitting the ground at over 100 mph, capable of very significant damage.Paul DouglasPaul Douglas