
Cedarcide All Natural Bug Spray Review
Cedarcide All Natural Bug Spray Review
Cedarcide All Natural Bug Spray Review
The mosquitoes were pretty bad last weekend.  We were at the cabin in Northern Minnesota, so it's pretty much always bad.  Every trip up I pick up a can of family bug spray, usually with the less amount of DEET to apply to the kids.  I usually get a higher concentrated DEET bug spray for the adults.  We usually get quite a few bug bites anyway.   This time we tried something all natural to see how
Tick Prevention Tips
Tick Prevention Tips
Tick Prevention Tips
I spent Fourth Of July Weekend at the lake, where I discovered a couple of deer ticks climbing on me.  When I returned home, I mowed the lawn and there were a couple more I had to flick off. I hadn't had a problem with them yet this year, but now they seem to be finding me.  If you find yourself in the same situation, you'll appreciate these deer tick bite prevention tips.
It’s Wood Tick Season, How Will You Protect Your Dog?
It’s Wood Tick Season, How Will You Protect Your Dog?
It’s Wood Tick Season, How Will You Protect Your Dog?
I read on Facebook that a friend had been hiking in the woods for Mother's Day and found a wood tick crawling on his sock.  EWWWW!  With the anticipation of spring and summer comes the realization we need to protect our pets from fleas and ticks.  There are several different options, however I don't have a choice.  Due to two unfortunate incidents that occurred after my dog got shots at the vet, w

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