Higher Tick & Mosquito Population Expected This Spring For Minnesota
It was a cold, wet winter, followed by a quick warm thaw for the Northland. This weather has created the ideal conditions for ticks and mosquitoes to thrive. If you're like me, you've already seen wood ticks and a few stray mosquitoes. It's expected to get much worse, and with the slew of diseases that both of these bugs bring, it's important to protect yourself early this season.
According to Bug Barometer, The North Central US and Great Lakes Region are both expecting earlier activity for these pests. They are expecting higher than average populations for Ticks and Mosquitoes, and just above average for stinging insects this year along with ant population.
The best way to protect yourself against ticks is by wearing lighter colored clothing. Checking yourself for ticks when you return from the outdoors, and using special tick repellent.
Mosquito bites are almost impossible to prevent, but using bug spray with DEET and covering your whole body are the best methods.
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