
Fireball Fan?  Try These Easy Cupcakes You Customize With Fireball Whisky
Fireball Fan? Try These Easy Cupcakes You Customize With Fireball Whisky
Fireball Fan? Try These Easy Cupcakes You Customize With Fireball Whisky
If you haven't had Fireball, you've probably heard of it.  It's a type of whisky that tastes like red hot cinnamon candy and warms you up as it's going down.  For those that are already fans, how would you like to combine two delicious flavors?  Fireball and cake?  Yup, Fireball Cupakes!!! I get recipes from Delish and thought I would share this one with you because I have lots of friends that lov
Liver With Soy Sauce (For Those That Don’t Like Liver)
Liver With Soy Sauce (For Those That Don’t Like Liver)
Liver With Soy Sauce (For Those That Don’t Like Liver)
First off, I am NOT a fan. Never have been, but my mom felt she needed to serve liver and would try to make it different ways to make it taste better. Maybe it was the consistency of the meat, I don’t know. I remember being at Old Country Buffet years ago and piling on a huge spoonful of stuffing on my plate. I love stuffing, but this had a “just not right” taste to it. When I asked, I found out i

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