There is a pretty big sporting event going on today in the United States, and it's called the Super Bowl.  Being a huge sports fan, I can't even tell you who is playing in it.  Though, I will be watching the game and eating food.

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Today according to some sources is also known to be Super Chicken Wing Day, because of the Super Bowl.  There is also a National Chicken Wing Day in July, but we'll visit that one later this year.

To go in line with Super Chicken Wing Day, I wanted to share with you how I cook wings.  I've tried smoking them, and they were okay, I've prepared them on a flat top grill with mixed results, but they always come out banging good on either a charcoal or propane grill.

I've sourced wings from various grocery stores and butcher shops, but the best for size and quality come from Sam's Club in my experience.  They are sold with the wing and drummy connected and I don't separate them when cooking, like others do.  This makes them easier to grill and not fall through the grates.

For wings the Joe Danger way you'll need:

-Several pounds of thawed, un-breaded, and quality chicken wings

-Olive oil

-Kosher salt

-Crushed black pepper

-Sauce of your choice (even cheap BBQ) goes well with these

-Seasonings of your choice (I prefer and swear by Slap Ya Mama Cajun seasoning)

-A grill with a top grate/rack as well as lower of course

To start, get your grill fired up and ready to cook.  You don't need insane heat (we're not going to 500 degrees), just a solid 300 or so.  Pat the wings dry with paper towel, then lightly coat with the olive oil and a smidgen of the salt and pepper (I do this to add some grilling crisp).  Cooking them just dressed up that way is a good method for those who don't like a lot of sauce or seasoning.

Grilling Wings- Photo Credit: Joe Danger
Grilling Wings- Photo Credit: Joe Danger

For those that do crave the flavor, I would after the oil, salt and pepper, coat them with Slap Ya Mama pretty generously.  If you're preparing BBQ ones, let them grill for a bit before starting to slather on sauce while cooking.

I generally cook the wings low and slow by putting them on the top rack, before dropping them down to char them up just before they are finished.  Remember, cooked chicken temp is 165 degrees, so have a good thermometer handy.  We like the Taylor Instant Read Thermometer, which isn't exactly "instant" in speed, but does a good job.

When removed from the grill, wrap them in foil and let them hang out there to retain heat before serving.  It's so easy, and they never fail to impress visitors.  How do you cook your chicken wings?

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