Summer Burger: Chris Allen’s Grandpa Irv Chilli Cheese Burger
I love to grill out, and I love Chilli (no beans...ugh), I was reminded of a recipe by my Aunt Lynn that my Grandpa Irv used to make and it’s a winner in my book, but with a twist.
I am not a fan of raw onions. Whenever I eat them everything tastes like onions, and my fingers smell all day. This recipe called for raw onions, so I chopped mine up fine. Also, the pickles have to be kosher (hey my Grandpa specified that in the recipe!), but anything else you can play with, like the cheese. I like the smoothe melt of the muenster cheese, some prefer cheddar…….do what you like.
Watch the video at the bottom and see how to prepare them, I was on Northland’s News Center with Jennifer Auston and Adam Lorch and made them, so you can get some instructions in preparation.
Otherwise, here is what you need:
1-2 lb burger
3 cans no beans chili
slices of cheese
sliced pickles (kosher)
a chopped onions
Grill or fry burger (prefer grill), then drop into chili and cook with the chili for about 10 minutes. Take chili and burgers out, put them in a container, let them sit overnight in the fridge. Dump chili contents back into pan, heat up and serve on bun with cheese on bottom, a little chili on top, add two small pickles or one long sliced (cut in half), mustard then chopped onions. Serve.
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