Pedestrian And Travel Advisory For The Dragon Boat Festival At Barker’s Island This Weekend
It is a 14 year tradition that has been anticipated by many all summer. The Lake Superior Dragon Boat Festival. It is coming up this weekend, August 21 and 22 at Barker's Island in Superior and involves several people from spectators to teams to volunteers. With this blog you can be informed on where to park, what roads will be busiest and where you can grab a shuttle to the FREE event.
The Lake Superior Dragon Boat Festival is a two-day event that will close the popular Barker's Island boat launch, swimming beach and fishing platform. Mary Morgan, Director of Parks, Recreation & Forestry writes that vehicular traffic onto the island is very limited and that your best bet is to walk. All of Barker's Island businesses will remain open, the marina, the SS Meteor, Captain J's Mini golf, etc.
Speed limits in and around Barker's Island will drop for added safety of pedestrians, especially along the East 2nd Street corridor to Belknap Street, to 18th Avenue East. There will be Superior Police Auxiliary to assist during the festivities. Pedestrians are encouraged to cross at East 2nd Street at Belknap Street or 9th Avenue East.
Where should you park? It is suggested you take the free shuttle available from the Mariner Mall, North 28th Street and Hill Avenue to the festival. It will be available on the southwest side of the mall from ?4:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. on Friday and again [from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Saturday. Again, this is a FREE shuttle to elevate congestion in the festival area. You are asked to avoid parking near the theater of at the Mariner Mall.
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