NWS Duluth Looking For Weather Spotters Ahead of Weekend Storm
They say knowledge is power and the National Weather Service in Duluth is looking to gain knowledge of weather conditions across the Northland, which will be a great benefit to them and to area residents, and they're asking for the public's help.
This is information is especially helpful when a storm like what is expected this weekend is in the forecast. This storm is expected to feature a combination of snow, rain and ice and knowing exactly what is happening in different areas will help those out trying to navigate conditions.
The reached out asking for help earlier this week on the US National Weather Service Duluth Minnesota Facebook page, while also proving information on handy tool that people can use to easily report weather conditions to them directly.
With a messy wintry system forecast to move through the Northland this weekend, and many different precipitation types possible, it's critical for us to know what's happening on the ground. YOU CAN HELP US by downloading the FREE mPING app! Select from different precipitation types, like rain, snow, freezing rain, and sleet. Your entry is then sent to us! mPING is used nationwide and is a great way for us to know what YOU are seeing at your location. If you don't already have this app, check it out!

The mPING app, which stands for for Meteorological Phenomena Identification Near the Ground, is available at both the Apple Store and through Google Play, so anyone with a smart device should be able to download it and help out the National Weather service.
To use the app, reporters select the type of weather that is occurring, and tap “submit.” The anonymous reports can be submitted as often as every minute.
Personally, I don't mind driving locally when it's just snowing out as I can usually get around safely as long as I go slow enough to match the conditions. However, once ice is involved then it's not safe for anybody to be driving around. Knowing the areas where ice is accumulating will be extremely helpful.
Getting the mPING app is a benefit to all not just for the storm this weekend, but throughout the year.
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