Memorial Day Weekend TV Marathons
Every Memorial Day weekend, TV marathons flood our channels. Whether it be military movies, popular cable reality shows, or movie marathons, it can make for a great weekend catching up on missed episodes of TV shows, or just being a couch potato. Here's whats going on and what to watch.
According to Channel Guide Magazine, there will be plenty to watch. Here are a few that are worth mentioning, but if you want to see the full list you can check out their comprehensive blog.
Storage Wars Texas -A&E May 24th 3pm-4am
Law & Order SVU - USA May 24th from 4pm-11pm, and May 25th 10am-2pm
Star Wars Movie Marathon - Spike TV May 24th 8pm, continues with other installments throughout the weekend, airing episodes I, II, and III.
Classic War Movies - TCM all weekend, starting May 24th
NCIS Marathon - USA May 26th 10-4, May 27th 6am-8pm
Hatfields & McCoy - History Channel May 26th 6pm-12am
Pawn Stars - History Channel May 27th 8am- 9pm
Falling Skies - TNT, May 27th at 10am
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