Lester Park Golf Course Will Not Open Due to Budget Shortfall
The City of Duluth is anticipating a $25 million budget shortfall, so Duluth Mayor Emily Larson announced Monday that Lester Park Golf Course will not open in 2020.
According our our media partners at WDIO-TV, Mayor Larson admittedly has many tough decisions to make moving forward, stating:
"This is one of the first announcements that I think will start impacting people in a very personal way. There will be many to come," Larson said. "I know that because I know the decisions that are likely ahead of us."
She added that Duluth's public golf courses lose an average of $150,000 per year.
On a positive note, Enger Park Golf Course in Duluth is preparing to open this week. The driving range is expected to open Wednesday, April 22 or Thursday, April 23. There will then be 18 holes available to golf on Friday, April 24.
Ultimately, Enger Park Golf Course will have 27 holes open for golfing this summer.

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