It’ll Be Slow Go Before No Go Northbound On The Blatnik Bridge Starting Wednesday
Last Thursday I traveled from Duluth to the Nemadji Golf Course in South Superior for a cross country meet. Since the Blatnik was closed from Duluth to Superior and the Bong was ridiculously busy, I drove the few miles to use the Oliver Bridge. I shook my head when I saw the sign that said the Oliver Bridge was also going to be closed. Regardless, the construction, bridge inspections and repairs continue. Here's what changing.
As far as the Oliver Bridge, it will be closed through Thursday and is slated to open later on Friday, September 16.
I'm sure you've experienced the frustration, trying to get to a bridge to cross to your destination, no matter which way you were traveling. You probably have a routine since the southbound lane of the Blatnik has been closed for weeks. Time to shake up your world and do a little flip flop. As of Wednesday, September 14, the southbound lanes will be open and the northbound lanes will close for four weeks.
Due to weight limits, you'll see one southbound lane open the entire length of the bridge, the other southbound lane will be open except for the center span. So, it will be the northbound lanes that are affected for the next few weeks.
What I mean by "slow go" before the no go (on the northbound lane) is that they will need to have crews out moving and switching out signs to make the traffic switch. So for a day or two you'll need to slow down and allow them to set up traffic signs. Please use utmost care when driving in this area to keep everyone safe.
Also, just a reminder that we are all feeling the stress of construction and are on time frames to be somewhere. Let's be courteous of each other and curb the road rage.