If Your Kids Loved the Whipper Snapper Races at Grandma’s Marathon, Bring Them to the Rhubarb Festival for an Encore
You could see the smiles on their faces as they were running the Whipper Snapper races last Friday, June 21. It was the true kick-off to all of Grandma's Marathon races. Each participant was proud to receive a ribbon for their efforts. Are they hooked? The Rhubarb Festival will have a Children's Run around Leif Erickson Park, then stick around for the rest of the fun and good eats!
The 9th Annual Rhubarb Festival will be held on Saturday, June 29 from 9a-4p at 11th Avenue East and London Road. The day will kick off with the Children's Run, there is entertainment, a silent auction and lots of rhubarb involved food! Rhubarb pie, rhubarb brat and yes, even a rhubarb burrito. The best part? It's FREE admission!!!
The Rhubarb Festival is organized by CHUM, people of faith working together to provide basic necessities, foster stable lives and organize for a just and compassionate community.