Girl Scouts Offer Cookie Flavored Lip Balm
Move over Paula Deen...with your butter-flavored chap stick! The Girl Scouts have come out with a much flavorful offering. Cookie flavored lip balm, just in time for holiday stocking stuffing. What's your favorite? Mine is the Tag-A-Longs, mmmm, peanut butter! Here's the other flavors.
Lip-Smacking Lip Balm of the Day: New from Lip Smacker: Girl Scout Cookie-themed lip balm tubes featuring five famous flavors: Thin Mints, Trefoils, Tagalongs, Do-si-dos, or Samoas.
Finally, a Girl Scout cookie that won’t do a thing to your hips no matter how long it’s on your lips.
Available individually or as set ($5). A liquid lip-gloss version will be released next year.
Info via: The Daily What
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