Girl Scouts New Cookie Alert
It's getting close to that time a year when the Girl Scouts come around with their adorable smiles and selling yummy cookies. I just can't resist. No matter my health goals at the time, nothing comes between me and my favorite Girl Scout cookies. At the top of my list is the Lemonades, Thin Mints and Carmel deLites. They are so good.
I still have a lot of fun memories of being a Brownie Scout from getting together with my friends after school playing games, learning new skills, singing songs, going on cool field trips and exploring the outdoors. And can't forget about earning all the cool badges to go on my sash.
The one thing I looked forward to every year was selling the cookies. I even remember being the top seller of cookies in my troop. I was aggressive with my cookie sales. I remember the house that would buy over twenty boxes of cookies each year. Usually, that was my first stop.

Check of the new Girl Scout cookie coming out in 2020. It's always exciting when a new cookie is introduced to the lineup.
They look refreshing and may taste a bit like my other favorite, the Lemonades. I even like the inspirational quotes on them. At least I can feel inspired while eating my cookies this year. Can't wait to give Lemon Ups a try.
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