Scammers targeted girl scouts who were selling cookies as a place to unload their counterfeit bills. They used 50 dollar fake bills and asked for change when only buying one box.
From time to time we get requests to visit the radio stations here at Townsquaremedia from Boy and Girl scouts. Our latest visitors were a lovely group of Girls that had a mission of doing a Girl Scout ad for the radio and tour our stations.
We love Girl Scout Cookie season in the Northland. Our local Girl Scouts do such a great job of making them available and they freeze very well! We all have our favorite, mine is the..actually, I have three: Tag-a-longs (peanut butter patties), Thin Mints and Carmel DeLites (samoas). But, you may be interested to know there is a new cookie being introduced in 2013 that boasts "nutrients
Move over Paula Deen...with your butter-flavored chap stick! The Girl Scouts have come out with a much flavorful offering. Cookie flavored lip balm, just in time for holiday stocking stuffing. What's your favorite? Mine is the Tag-A-Longs, mmmm, peanut butter! Here's the other flavors.
A 7-year-old Denver boy was turned away by a local Girl Scout troop when he asked to become a member. Despite his gender, Bobby Montoya has been into “girl stuff” since he was two, according to his mother Felisha Archuleta.