Duluth Chamber of Commerce Wants You To Stand Up Against Last Place On Earth; Court Date Postponed
The ongoing feud between the City of Duluth and The Last Place On Earth continues Monday as the city motions an injunction against the controversial business. President & CEO of the Duluth Chamber of Commerce, David Ross sent an e-mail too local businesses to stand in solidarity against Last Place On Earth at the hearing on Monday. Here's the letter:
Our goal is simple - send a strong message to the court that business leaders are tired of putting up with the shenanigans occurring at the Last Place on Earth. Imagine the impact of having the courtroom filled to capacity, and beyond, to hear the City of Duluth's motion for an injunction against the Last Place on Earth.
Let's stand together, in solidarity, against this scourge upon our community. It is time for community building.
If you have ever wondered what you can do to help bring an end to the disruption and the devastation generated by the Last Place on Earth, the answer is you:
Stand with us Monday at 10 am.
In support,
David Ross, President & CEO
As of 10:00 AM Friday morning, the court date has been postponed. Check back for the new date.
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