Country Legend Willie Nelson Talks Weed and How It Saved Him
Rolling Stone just published an interview with Country Music Legend Willie Nelson and the piece was primarily about his relationship with cannabis. Willie has long been a pot smoker, but this interview brings to light some of the reasons why he loves the drug, and how it saved his life.
Willie tried a lot of drugs back in the day and learned a lot along the way. It's interesting enough that the most damaging drug that brought out the worst in Willie was the only one that is still legal: alcohol. Willie used to drink whiskey and smoke cigarettes, and the whiskey would lead him down a dark path. Cannabis on the other hand helped him enjoy life more. He swapped out his cigarettes with joints and he never went back. He cut out drinking too because drinking would make him want to smoke. He pot is medicine and he says he is proof that lifelong use can do some good things.
He's also the Chief Tasting Officer at Willie's Reserve. That's the Cannabis company he is a part of and he definitely uses the product. Interesting enough too that his wife started making him edible pot chocolates but he was getting too high eating them. I didn't know Willie could get too high? Who knew?
Another takeaway I find interesting from this article is that Willie isn't a pot connoisseur. He's definitely a cannabis consumer, but he doesn't get into what strains does what. He just smokes it all. I figured the guy would have a P.H.D in cannabis, but really he just doesn't care.
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