National News

Earn Cash With Your Idea To Keep Asian Carp Out Of The Great Lakes [VIDEO]
Earn Cash With Your Idea To Keep Asian Carp Out Of The Great Lakes [VIDEO]
Earn Cash With Your Idea To Keep Asian Carp Out Of The Great Lakes [VIDEO]
We were recently kayaking on the St. Louis River when I thought about an Asian Carp coming out of the water and slapping me in the face, ewwwww!  I was assured that wouldn't happen, at least yet.  They haven't made their way up this far, but they're being proactive to make sure they don't and your idea could "net" (get it?) some cash.
US Courts Want You Aware Of A Scam That Could Easily Go National
US Courts Want You Aware Of A Scam That Could Easily Go National
US Courts Want You Aware Of A Scam That Could Easily Go National
Not many people my age can say this but, "I have never been called for jury duty".  I have no idea how they contact you or what is expected, I haven't had that life experience yet.  That is why the latest scam makes me so nervous, I don't have anything to compare it to, so it would be harder for me to detect if it was false.
LuLaRoe Leggings Under Fire For Poor Quality, Have You Experienced This?
LuLaRoe Leggings Under Fire For Poor Quality, Have You Experienced This?
LuLaRoe Leggings Under Fire For Poor Quality, Have You Experienced This?
First off I have to say that I do not own a pair of LuLaRoe Leggings.  I was invited to a friend's party was unable to attend.  When the fashion craze first hit I heard how soft they were and a bit on the spendy side, but my friends were all buying them.  Now, there is a class-action lawsuit in California against the company and I'm curious if women in the Northland agree.
New Therapy Uses Virtual Reality To Help Veterans Who Suffer from PTSD
New Therapy Uses Virtual Reality To Help Veterans Who Suffer from PTSD
New Therapy Uses Virtual Reality To Help Veterans Who Suffer from PTSD
Over 8 million people suffer from a form of PTSD in the United States alone.  Many of them are combat veterans who have returned from multiple tours over seas in areas like Iraq and Afghanistan.  Now, experts are using virtual reality as a tool for veterans to confront their fears and problems.

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