Your Favorite Treats Reveal Your Personality!
Your favorite snacks reveal tons about your personality. Discover how the tastes that tickle your palate also spotlight your dominate trait:
- You're a dreamer if you prefer sugary cereal, double chocolate brownies and hard candies. Friends and family often catch you with your head in the clouds. You're also very trusting, creative and artistic, believing that life is to be savored.
- You're a diplomat if you prefer gumdrops, ice cream and dips loaded with sour cream. You yearn for tranquility, and you're the one who steps in to settle squabbles between loved ones. Although you have opinions, you never force them on others.
- You're a nonconformist if you prefer dark chocolate, black coffee and sour candies. You're an unconventional person with a supreme confidence in your abilities. You also speak your mind with a refreshing candor that charms others.
- You're a born leader if you prefer potato chips, popcorn and peanuts. You aren't shy about taking charge and your bold attitude attracts others who eagerly follow you, whether at work or at play. People are reassured by your positive perspective.
- You're a risk taker if you prefer salsa, spicy foods and black pepper on everything. You're a passionate, innovative thinker who brings an upbeat, intriguing approach to your job. Others also appreciate your infectious sense of fun.
Personally I love a sweet tooth so I'm all over the map, but more of the nonconformist category. What about you?