Whoops! Wisconsin Mother Calls Police On Her Son And She Got Arrested
This whole scene has "hot mess" written all over it. A mother from Green Bay, Wisconsin is facing multiple charges after she called the police on her teenage son. According to Upmatters.com, on July 5 officers received a call for help from a woman who said her teenage son was "Flipping out" and that he possibly had a weapon.
When police arrived on the scene they approached the teen who was sitting by a dumpster, he was very cooperative and no weapon was found. The teen told police that he was standing outside of his mom's apartment because she had kicked him out and he was waiting for his grandma to come to get him. He also said his mom was holding a knife.
His mother, 46-year-old Spring Long, asked her son if he slashed the tires on her bike; he replied "no" and she started to walk back to the apartment. The teen followed her as she walked inside and tried to shut the door on him. He put his hand up to block the door as she slammed the door on his hand causing lacerations to one of his fingers.
Then she proceeded back outside and threw a large cinder block at him. On top of that, she stood in the doorway with the knife and threatened "to cut the teens throat." The officers had also noticed 2 large throwing knives in the grass.

When officers went to speak to Long she refused to come out of the house. The police were eventually able to apprehend her through a window at which time she was yelling at the officers to arrest her son. She was then placed under arrest for a felony warrant and is now facing even more charges including Physical abuse of a child-Repeater, Disorderly Conduct-Use of a dangerous weapon-Repeater, and Endangering Safety by use of a dangerous weapon-Repeater.
The teen and older brother were placed with their grandparents. As sad as this story is, in the end these boys are now able to get out of a bad living situation, and hopefully will be living in a much better place.
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