Where Will You Get Your Flu Shot or Mist? Public Flu Shot Clinics Now Open in the Northland
About a month ago we were told to get our flu shots early. So, my daughter and I set a day that we planned to get it done. However, I found that the venue we normally got our shots at, the local clinics, weren't ready to administer them. We did discuss going to another outlet, but decided to wait. If you haven't already gotten your shot or mist from a local business, or at your doctor's office, you can now get them at a public flu shot clinic.
In the past I've gotten my flu shot at Walgreen’s, once on the Duluth side, once in Superior. You can also utilize Shopko or Cub's Pharmacy among others. But if you wish to visit a clinic, Essentia is now ready to accommodate.
Kim Kaiser, Essentia Health Marketing & Communications pens Essentia Health will offer flu shots or mist without an appointment at the First Street Building on the downtown Duluth campus, 420 E. First St. The flu booths will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, Oct. 7-18. The Essentia Health-Lakewalk Clinic and neighborhood clinics in Hermantown, Lakeside, Proctor, West Duluth and Superior will have the same flu shot hours. Flu shots are also available during regularly scheduled appointments. Some insurance will cover the flu shot, check with your carrier before you go to avoid any surprises. Oh, and where clothing that will allow for your upper arm to be easily accessible.
Who should get a flu shot?
The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a flu shot for anyone 6 months and older.
What are the symptoms of flu?
As simple as it seems, the word “flu” is frequently misused to describe stomach upset or other general ailments. “Flu” or influenza is a viral respiratory illness. Symptoms can include fever, body aches and a dry cough. For some individuals, especially the elderly and the very young, the flu can be life-threatening.
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