Son of a... Here we are in mid April, once again teased by a few warm days and thawed snow. We thought maybe winter was over, and then we get hit with this forecast for a major snow event. Although we aren't strangers to April snow, it stings every year. Here's a few things we do in The Northland.

  • Getty Images/iStockphoto
    Getty Images/iStockphoto

    Grocery Shopping

    Yep, just like any other snow storm it's time to stock up.

  • Getty Images/iStockphoto
    Getty Images/iStockphoto

    Liquor Store Run

    Look, we're in a survival situation. We need all the help we can get. You don't want to be snowed in without your favorite adult beverage.

  • snowflock/ ThinkStock
    snowflock/ ThinkStock

    Put Damn Ice Scraper Back In Car

    If you were foolish enough to put away your ice scraper or snow brush, time to chuck that thing back in your trunk.

  • SergeyIT / ThinkStock
    SergeyIT / ThinkStock

    Buy More Gas For Stupid Snowblower

    Whoever it is that put your snowblower away for the year, it's your fault we are getting this snow. You know you are supposed to wait until June to put it away. Only then are we safe.

  • Chalabala / ThinkStock
    Chalabala / ThinkStock

    Complain, And It's Ok That You Do

    I'm a big fan of snow in the winter. IN THE WINTER. April is not the winter. Enough is enough. We can't do anything with it now anyway and all it does is make things muddier. So go ahead and complain. Let it out. It's allowable.

  • Design Pics / Thinkstock
    Design Pics / Thinkstock

    Regeret Putting Your Summer Tires On

    This wouldn't make sense to people living down south, but we do have our winter tires and summer tires for cars. I just had a friend tell me he switched over his tires last week. Boy is he regretting it now.

  • Jenniferrutledgephotography / ThinkStock
    Jenniferrutledgephotography / ThinkStock

    Put BBQ Grill Away

    Hey remember those few warm days we had where we grilled and felt like summer was right around the corner? "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." -mother nature

  • Hemera Technologies / ThinkStock
    Hemera Technologies / ThinkStock

    Where did my winter gloves go?

    I just had them two weeks ago, this is ridiculous. Where's my gloves?

  • Purestock/ Thinkstock
    Purestock/ Thinkstock

    Experience Emotional Rollercoaster Of Snow Totals Forecasts

    First is was 8-10 inches. Then it was down to 2-4", then back up to 10-12 inches. Hold on, nope 12-18", wait, 14-18", maybe 6-8", it's going to suck.

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