french fries

How To Make McDonald’s Style Fries At Home [Video]
How To Make McDonald’s Style Fries At Home [Video]
How To Make McDonald’s Style Fries At Home [Video]
It always seems like when you buy french fries at the grocery store, they never taste like your favorite place to eat. Here's a guy that has done some research and it's paid off. He has prepared the perfect fry, and all you need are 3 ingredients. It's so simple, and if you're like me, you have to see it too, I included the vid.
New Burger King Fries Are Better, Now Make My Top 5 Fries List
New Burger King Fries Are Better, Now Make My Top 5 Fries List
New Burger King Fries Are Better, Now Make My Top 5 Fries List
I'll have to admit that I'm pretty well versed in fast food chain's french fries.  I've been doing a great job in the last few months eating healthier, and now I rarely eat fast food.  However, I just had to try the new fries at Burger King.  I'll have to say they are definitely better tasting than their old recipe.

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