Duluth Mayor Emily Larson released a statement Tuesday criticizing Husky Energy's use of Hydrogen Fluoride and now Superior Mayor Jim Paine has done the same.

Mayor Paine posted a statement on his Facebook page stating in part:

I just spoke with the officers of Husky Energy including Rob Peabody, President and CEO, and Rob Symonds, COO. We discussed the use of Hydrogen Fluoride at the refinery and I forwarded many of the concerns that our community has expressed about the use of this dangerous chemical in the community. I asked them to discontinue its use and convert to a safer chemical process and to report back to me on any and all cost and infrastructure challenges that might prevent them from doing so.

He also is making sure that Husky Energy is working to reimburse Superior residents impacted by the explosion, fire and related evacuations.  These expenses would include things like lodging, transportation, lost wages, etc.

Husky Energy confirmed that the number to call is 1-855-527-5002.  They've also purchased ads on B105 to spread the word to residents who were impacted.  In many cases, reimbursement can be done quickly via direct deposit.

You can read Mayor Paine's complete statement below.


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