Registration is Open Now For City of Duluth Softball Leagues
Registration is open now for you to take part in a favorite summer pastime, playing softball at the Wheeler Athletic Complex in Duluth.
City of Duluth Parks and Recreation announced registration and season details for their upcoming adult softball leagues, which begin in May and go through August.
Registration is open now for men's and coed recreational softball leagues that play at Wheeler Athletic Complex, located at 3501 Grand Avenue. All players must be at least 18 years of age unless they are 17 and just graduated from high school.

Men's leagues play on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays while coed leagues are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Teams need a minimum of eight players to play in a game, with a full team consisting of 10 players. All skill levels are encouraged to sign up and play. The cost per team is $400 plus related fees and taxes. You can click here or on the button below access full details as well as the registration page.
If you want to play, but are having trouble putting a whole team together, there is an option for you to sign up as a 'Free Agent'. I know from many years of putting teams together and playing softball in these leagues that it's very common for a team to be short on players either from the beginning or within the first few weeks of the season. If you utilize this option, you'll likely have the ability to find a team that fits your skill and competition level. This is also a great option for people who are new to the area and are looking to play.
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