Planned Maintenance Will Temporarily Close Duluth’s Dog Parks
I grew up in the country, the whole world was my dog's "park". It wasn't until I moved to the city and saw the smaller yards that I understood the need for dog parks. The first dog park in Duluth was introduced in 2004, the next in 2011, now we have a third on Riley Road. The dog parks well be closed temporarily while they're cleaned and maintained this week.
Thanks to volunteers the property for the dog park on Riley Road became a reality. Volunteers continue to impact our dog parks with this weeks maintenance and cleaning.
According to a City of Duluth press release, they are thinking of us and our pet's safety and will close two of the parks temporarily while they are working. The Keene Creek dog park will receive attention Wednesday from 1-4p. Then, tomorrow the dog park, still unnamed, on Riley Road will be closed from 1-4 PM. They will also be working on the Observation dog park from 1-4 PM on Thursday, but the park will remain open for users.
Again, thank you to the volunteers who put their sweat equity into something that will be shared by humans and dogs for years to come!
While the parks are temporarily closed, my I suggest the dog park at Gary New Duluth.