As you know, when you cut an onion it releases an odor you can't see, but that affects you to the point your eyes water.  Scientists say it's the onions chemical defense system, tears are our defense system.  My sister introduced me to something that enhances my defense system.

Recent research suggestions that the onion has enzymes that are released when cut and that sets off the chemical reaction.  Luckily we have sensory nerves that help to protect us from such irritants.  For a long time people have tried to come up with a way to combat this reaction.  Previous suggestions have been cutting onions near a fan, refrigerating the onion before you cut it, hold a piece of bread in your mouth when you're cutting an onion, I've tried them all.  This new research reminded me of the way my sister came up with to combat the reaction and I felt I should share, especially since you'll be cutting onions for potato salads, brats and hamburgers for the upcoming Fourth of July holiday.


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