Motorists Encouraged To Drive Safely Through Work Zones
As you can tell from several stories on our website alone, road construction projects are everywhere. With that in mind, MnDOT reminds all motorists to drive with care.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation says that speed and inattentive driving are two of the main causes of work zone crashes in Minnesota, according to traffic crash statistics.
MnDOT safety officer Cole Weber says that rear-end crashes are the most come type of work zone crash, with the driver or passenger suffering the most injuries in a work zone.
There are also road workers out in the open, with little to no protection from oncoming traffic.
All drivers should follow these tips when approaching a work zone:
- Stay alert; work zones constantly change with lane shifts, closures and moving workers and vehicles
- Watch for signs, equipment and workers
- Minimize distractions, such as using cell phones, eating or drinking
- Avoid tailgating
- Follow posted speed limits and directional signs
- Be patient; expect delays, especially during peak travel times
- Avoid lane changes while navigating the work zone
Another thing I try to do is to allow myself extra time to arrive at my destination. That way, if I encounter a work zone I won't get too stressed and have impatience lead to an unsafe driving decision.
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