Impatient Driver Crosses Motorcycle Charity Ride In Minnesota, Is It Legal?
If you've ever been a part of a large motorcycle group, you probably have had some bikers in the group block intersections. It's usually used for charity rides where you have dozens of motorcycles. Recently the question came up on a Reddit page where a user was asking what the heck was going on.
The Redditor asks if he's the problem.
In a post to the Duluth, Minnesota Reddit page titled, "Am I A Jack Ass?" The person had this to say:
"So I was getting off work today an pulled up to a 4-way intersection and three motorcycles block each way, and a guy tells me I can't turn and have to go strait. I look at him and see about a thousand motorcycles coming and they start blowing through the stop sign at this point I"m pissed so I say f*ck it and turn anyways. To be fair I did wait for a small brake in the bikes because I didn't feel like killing anyone but still, Who is this guy to tell me I can't go home?
Blocking intersections is the safest way for a large group of bikes to get through.
The safest way to get a large group of bikes through a town is to block the intersections and control traffic. The most common way a motorcycle accident occurs is when someone pulls out in front of them because they don't see them.
Redditors commented that there was a local ABATE ride in Minnesota on that day, and it's likely what the original poster encountered.

Minnesota Passed A Law In 2012 'Road Guard Traffic Controller'
According to Hupy And Abraham Law, a law was passed in 2012 that allows motorcyclists to be certified to control traffic. They have to undergo training for flagging operations, intersection traffic control, and the rules of the road, and also go through group ride instruction.
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They also need a clear driving record, a valid driver's license, liability insurance, and high-visibility apparel.
How long does the training take, and what is the cost?
It's not a huge undertaking to get certified if you meet the above requirements. There's two hours of classroom training, followed by an hour of practical training. It only costs $30.
You are breaking the law if you don't obey them.
If you're a driver and you don't follow a road guard's direction it is considered a misdemeanor in Minnesota.
LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?
Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff
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