MN DNR Makes Changes To Northern Pike Regulations in New Zone Concept
In some areas of the state, the MN DNR is looking to make some big changes to Northern Pike limits. They've set up a three zone system to manage the pike, as different regions have different eco systems. In some areas, the harvest will be greatly increased to try to prevent smaller "hammer handle" Northern Pike from destroying the pan fish population.
This video from the DNR explains what the new concept is all about.
For Northeast Minnesota (east of highway 53), the possesion limit would be 2, with 1 over 40 allowed to be kept. Anything 30-40 inches would need to be released. In this region, the DNR says the pike reproduce naturally and grow to larger sizes.
For North Central Minnesota, the limit would increase to 10. Only 2 allowed over 26 inches, and anything from 22-26 would be immediately released.
There are other regulations for other areas of the state, and that can be found at the MN DNR Website.
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