Group Of Jerks Break Into Cars At Minnesota Funeral Home
Some people have no boundaries to how low they will sink. A recent incident in Minneapolis is a great example of that. I came across the story on social media, where I follow a bunch of different accounts to keep up with what is going on in the state.
This particular social media account shares crime from the cities. Some of what they share is scary, while other stories can be a bit comical, like the time someone dressed up as Harry Potter and went door to door to businesses in Minneapolis wand in hand.
This story does not fall under the harmless category though and truly disgusts me what level people will sink to. @CrimeWatchMpls recently shared that a group of people were spotted trying to break into cars...at a funeral home. Yes, truly.
According to the tip, the group was made up of about four to five people who were "breaking into cars at the funeral home" located along Franklin Avenue in Minneapolis. The tip came in in the afternoon and was posted a short time later.

Earlier this year, scammers targeted a funeral home in New Ulm. Scammers were posing as employees with the funeral home, asking family members personal information about the deceased in an effort to get "vital" information that would likely lead to stealing an identity or money. While scams and breaking into cars is nothing new, hitting a funeral home is a new kind of low.
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