Meet The Minnesota Deputy From Viral Unicorn Floatie Rescue
It is the video that has rocked the world this week and made everyone believe in unicorns.
Yes, I am referring to that incredible video of two deputies rescuing a group of women from a unicorn floatie that was stuck in the weeds. You can't make this stuff up.
The incident, if you could call it that, occurred on Fish Lake. Two deputies from the Chisago County Sheriff's Office were driving by, spotted the mystical unicorn floatie in the wild and took a minute to laugh. Shortly after, they realized the ladies were stuck and jumped into action.
Thankfully for us, the two deputies are HILARIOUS and decided to film the harrowing rescue. They posted it to their Twitter page Saturday and it quickly went viral.
Since, it has captured the attention of national and international news outlets.
I tracked down one of the deputies responsible for the new internet sensation and he was kind enough to take a few minutes to chat with us on The Breakfast Club.
We talked about everything from how he spotted the unicorn in the wild in the first place, what the group of rescued women were thinking when they made it safely to the dock and of course, if unicorns are real.
Watch our hilarious interview above.