Can you imagine going to the bank to take some cash out and being told that there is nothing left in your account?  Your life savings is gone and you immediately know that you are a victim of a scam.  In 2023, it was reported by the FTC that people lost over $10 billion due to scams.  $10 BILLION!  Now more than ever, steps and precautions need to be taken to keep your identity and money safe.  A free event in Minnesota is helping make that happen for you.


BE AWARE:  List of the Latest Scams That Have Happened in Minnesota

Every week in the news, stories are breaking of individuals that have lost thousands of dollars due to a scam.  Some are because of a phone call, others are through a phishing e-mail, or a "friend" starts chatting with you on social media.  Those are just a few examples of what is happening right now to victims.

Below are a few examples of scams that have popped up in the news and have been happening in Minnesota:

20 Common Scams To Look Out For In Minnesota

The more you know about common scams, the better you can protect yourself against them.

Gallery Credit: Lauren Wells

Free Event in Minnesota To Help Keep Your Identity Safe and Protect You From Scams

One common statement that people seem to say when scams are in the news is, "why don't the scammers just get a real job".  The facts below from the Federal Trade Commission show that in 2023, being a scammer was a pretty profitable career thanks to people who fell for the scam that was put in front of them.

Scammers' jobs are to find ways to get your information and they will work hard to find it, including digging through your trash.  Keeping your sensitive documents safe is vital and thanks to a free event in Minnesota, you can take an extra step to keep scammers away.

konglinguang ThinkStock

Everything You Need to Know About the Free Document Shredding Event in Rochester, Minnesota

AARP and the Better Business Bureau have teamed up and are providing a free event to help keep your personal data safe.

  • WHEN: Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
  • TIME: 10:00 am until 1:00 pm (at the time of registration, pick a time that works best for you, 10:00 am, 11:00 am, or Noon)
  • WHERE: Ability Building Community - ABC, 1911 14th Street NW, Rochester, Minnesota (Get Directions)
  • WHAT:  Households can have up to two boxes of papers securely shredded at the Ability Building Community warehouse.  Please remove all clips, staples, plastic covers, and any bound books from the boxes.  Materials will be continuously supervised while they are being destroyed and individuals are welcome to observe if they'd like.  Just speak with one of the workers when you arrive.
  • REGISTER: Learn more and find registration links at the Free Document Shredding in Rochester Facebook Event

Tips to Avoid Being Victimized By Scams

When the Black Friday deals show up, so do the scammers! To protect yourself, the FBI shared the following tips.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

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