Is The First Accumulating Snow of the Season In This Week’s Forecast?
Generally speaking, temperatures this fall have been pretty nice. With temperatures set to fall this week, a chance of snow is popping up in the forecast. The National Weather Service is predicting a clipper system that will sweep into the region the second half of the week. Timing plays a big factor in this system, as the NWS office stated in their Facebook post (as seen below), but snow flurries could appear as soon as Wednesday night.
As is true with all spring and fall storm systems, a lot of factors have to fall into place for accumulating snowfall to occur. A temperature difference of a couple degrees or a wind off the lake versus another direction can be all the difference between a rain or snow event.
As of right now, rain is the most likely form of precipitation; but periods of snow, especially overnight, could occur. As we get closer, we'll keep you updated on what to expect.
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