Is It Legal To Shoot Down A Mysterious Drone In Minnesota?
Seriously, what is going on with all these drones? The East Coast has had hundreds, if not thousands, of drone sightings in recent weeks. These drones appear to be larger than typical hobby drones, and lawmakers are raising alarms for the federal government to investigate.
Mysterious drones or lights have also been spotted in Minnesota in several instances as well. A Minnesota woman and her daughter claim that whatever these things could be are aware of their presence. When they chase after the lights, they disappear. Sometimes it seems like they just vanish. What is going on?
Read More: Mysterious Drones Spotted Over Minnesota
Some people suggest just shooting them down. Is that even legal?
The answer: absolutely not. It's federally illegal to shoot any aircraft in the United States, whether it's manned or unmanned.
Safety concerns are the primary reason it is illegal.
Shooting down a flying object like a drone could cause serious damage not only to the craft but to anything it may crash into. The FAA recently addressed this in a June statement on drones.

What about if it's over my private property?
Even if a drone is flying over your private property it still is illegal to shoot a drone. You can't shoot at anything in the air over your property.
Drones are allowed to fly in most places they've been seen.
The FAA recently shared the fact that most of these drones are operating legally. As long as drones are flying under 400 feet and have proper lighting at night, it's legal.
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