New Jersey isn't the only place seeing mysterious lights or drones. Minnesota residents now have reported sightings of mysterious lights in the sky. The strangest thing is they seem to react to witnesses.

I saw the story on FOX 9 Minneapolis. The mysterious lights have been reported over Northfield, Minnesota.


Residents say the lights show up frequently and it seems like they are aware of the witnesses. Deborah Wagner and her daughter have seen the drones and talked to Fox 9. They claim that if they try to follow the lights, they disappear. Even if they start watching or videoing the lights, they also disappear. It's like they know when you are watching.

Read More: UFO Reported Over Carlton, Minnesota

FOX 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul
FOX 9 Minneapolis - St. Paul

This is after weeks of mysterious drone sightings over New Jersey that have people on edge. Some of those drones appear to be the size of an SUV in the sky. People are concerned it could be a foreign entity surveilling the United States. The Pentagon says they are investigating it. The FBI says they don't have a clue what they are.

The Wagners started seeing the lights over the summer, and now it's a nightly occurrence.

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"They would come and they would hover, and then we'd go outside and they would leave," says Chrissy Graddy.

Could these be drones like the ones they are seeing over New Jersey? Or could this be something that the government has been studying: UAPs, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon? It's the new word for UFOs.

Check out the story from FOX 9. What do you think it is?

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