When I was growing up, one of the things we did each summer on nice nights was to get friends together and have bonfires on Park Point.  I remember some of us would then split off and walk down the beach because there were fires everywhere and we'd see friends and meet new ones.  It appears that is something that is now strictly prohibited. 

While running on Park Point this year, I noticed the electric sign that clearly states "Beach Fires Are Illegal".  I then started to remember the great times I had with beach fires there while in high school and college.  I also started to ponder why they may be illegal.

I couldn't find any set policy reasons online, I just found some online forums with people sharing their thoughts on the subject.  From my experience, I know that some people who had fires at night would often be loud, partake in underage drinking, and be disrespectful to the yards of the residents who live on Park Point.  While most people were responsible, I could see where those that weren't caused residents to say enough is enough.

From a safety standpoint, Park Point no longer has a fire department so in the event that a beach fire got out of hand, it could be a significant amount of time before help arrived.

This no fire policy is enforced as much as possible with Duluth Police patrolling beaches after dark and it can't be hard to find a fire on the beach, especially with the help of Park Point residents.

It's been over a couple decades since I've been at a Park Point beach fire, so I can't say this law bothers me in any way now.  That said, I'm glad I have some terrific memories spending time with great friends on during some very formative summers.



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