How Cool Are The Weight Stations On The Paved Trail In Two Harbors?
While we were camping in Two Harbors at Burlington Bay, we had to run to Super One. We decided to go for a drive on the road that passes by Super One. We saw a paved running trail and made note that we would have to try that route the next morning, then we saw something that was so cool we just had to stop and take a pic.
Personally, I think this would be so cool to incorporate on the paved trails in Duluth. But I don’t understand how the machines stay as nice as they are in the elements. I see what rain, wind and sun can do to metal and plastic when left outdoors, but these were really nice. There were several that we saw next to the road and offered a workout for various muscles.
How cool would it be to walk or run to the next station in your routine and work your arms or different leg muscles while breathing the fresh air and listening to the birds chirp? It would allow us to get two types of workouts in one outing. I’m always wishing I had time to do both, lift weights to build my arms and run for legs and cardio. But, time is limited and I always choose running. With this set up I could get both done in one work out. Run one way and stop to lift weights on the way back. How long have these weight stations been here?
After some research, there is an actual company that specializes in these outdoor weight machines, it's called HealthBeat. Let's get some!