DTA Offering Free Election Day Rides
Election Day is Tuesday, November 6 and there's an emphasis like never before for everyone to get out and vote. The Duluth Transit Authority has decided to do its part.
The DTA has announced that they will provide all passengers riding fixed-route and STRIDE service free fares on Election Day, Tuesday, November 6, 2018. They went on to state:
The DTA Board of Directors voted unanimously at their September 26th meeting in support of the resolution to offer all citizens in the Twin Ports free rides on Election Day. The free fares are being offered to encourage voter participation and present the public an opportunity to ride the DTA.
This is a terrific way to ensure that everyone who can legally vote has a way to let their voice be heard by visiting their polling station. Everyone should have the ability to cast their votes and this should help many across the Northland.
Follow the link below to see the DTA route schedule.
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