How Minnesota & Wisconsin Rank In Voter Turnout Compared To Other States
The 2022 Midterm election is coming up on November 8. You are probably just as sick as I am about the constant political commercials, phone calls, and text messages from campaigns. Between that and the Camp Lejeune lawyer ads, I've been going crazy!
I received a survey in the mail asking about my voter habits. It said that based on my voting history I vote less than the general population. That got me thinking, and I realized that I never miss a presidential election, but sometimes miss the Midterm elections. That got me wondering how our area compares to the rest of the United States when it comes to voting. I was shocked to see the results.
I found data from Fairvote.org. They are a nonpartisan organization working for better elections for everyone. They research and advance voting reforms in an effort to make every American represented by our government.
Minnesota & Wisconsin Voter Turnout
Using the voter turnout data for the 2020 election, Minnesota and Wisconsin show up near the top. Actually, Minnesota had the best voter turnout at 80%. That's quite impressive! Maine was second with a voter turnout of 76.3%, and Wisconsin rounds out the top three at 75.8%.

More people voted in 2020 than in previous elections.
The 2020 presidential election saw an increase in voting across the country compared to the 2016 election. For example, Minnesota's turnout in 2016 was about 5% less than in 2020. Wisconsin had 6% fewer voters in 2016 compared to 2020.
The United States voter turnout Is low compared to other developed countries
The overall voter turnout for developed countries reaches around 70%. The United States turnout averages about 60% for presidential elections, and only 40% in midterm elections.
We will see what the 2022 midterm election brings on November 8. Make sure you get out and vote and tell your friends. Offer a ride to those who need it. Visit Minnesota or Wisconsin's polling place locator to find where to vote.
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