DSTA Fill-A-Truck, Feed-A-Family Food Drive Helps Duluth Food Bank
Duluth Superior Transportation Association (DSTA) has stepped up to help the Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank.
The Fill-A-Truck, Feed-A-Family food drive lasts until June 11th. One thing that has changed over the years is more families are getting help from food banks and food sharing services than ever before. With the baby formula shortage the grocery stores are battling empty shelves and recalls.
According to the press release, 1 in 10 families in NE Minnesota and NW Wisconsin are facing Hunger and it is affecting school-aged children most. More and more younger kids skip a meal or go without. Most school-aged kids get their food from school, especially families on food stamps or government help.
Once school lets out they have to figure out where to get their nourishment. Schools have been addressing that problem over the past few years but it's getting harder to keep up with help as more and more families need that help.
The DSTA organization has been holding the Fill-A-Truck, Feed-A-Family Food Drive as a way to help Northland families that fall into this group. Richie Rochel the DSTA Vice President says in the press release that they time the fundraiser/food raiser to the end of school when families and especially children need the food.
The food drive goes until June 11th and the event uses volunteers so that 100% of all the proceeds that the DTSA collects can go to the cause which benefits the Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank. There are sponsors that donate equipment, time, and materials.
One of those sponsors is Super One. I know personally Super One is very involved in many fundraising efforts and donates a lot of food to area charities and hunger groups. They are also one of the locations that will collect donations. The goal for this year is 10,000 lbs and $10, 000.
If you would like to donate you can do so online at The DTSA Website Donate Page. There are volunteer opportunities if you would like to donate time go to the DTSA Volunteer Page.
If you would like to know more about Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank and about some of their programs you can go to their website and you can volunteer there too.

For more info contact Richie Rochel and Scott Franzen DSTA Vice President DSTA President at (218) 368-4974 or (612) 670-3631 rrochel@halvorlines.com and scott.franzen@tabbank.com or the website www.TheDSTA.com
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