Empty Bowl is tomorrow, Tuesday, April 12. You can join forces to benefit Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank with other Souper Heroes just by attending! Some of these Souper Heroes started months ago when adults and children in our community started putting time and talent into making the bowls.
Hunger is a problem in the Twin Ports and surrounding area, but there are several organizations that are doing their best to help Northland families put nutritious food on their tables for their family. One is Ruby's Pantry and it's coming to Brookston.
I'm so excited for the annual Empty Bowl next Tuesday, April 14. I will be there to serve delicious soup to benefit Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank! It actually started months ago when adults and children in our community started putting time and talent into making the bowls.
I am astonished to learn of how many Northlanders there are that are in need of food. Not just during the holidays, but on a day to day basis. I learned that many of them are our neighbors and many are children. The late Patrick Plys and his family saw the need and with their direction, ambition and passion, the Project Joy Backpack Program was introduced in our area. You can help by attending
This time of year, food banks are working extra hard to keep their shelves stocked. If you're in a charitable mood, you might be wondering what exactly these charities are looking for in the way of donations. A recent thread on Reddit explored just that. Numerous commenters with experience either working at or patronizing food banks offered their thoughts on the best items to donate—and it's not j
I was embarrassed and astonished to learn of how many Northlanders there are that are in need of food. Not just during the holidays, but on a day to day basis. I learned that many of them are our neighbors and many are children. The late Patrick Plys and his family saw the need and with their direction, ambition and passion, the Project Joy Backpack Program was introduced in our area. You can
I'm so excited for the annual Empty Bowl event today. Ken and I will be there starting at 11a to serve delicious soup, we'll meet you there! It actually started months ago when adults and children in our community started putting time and talent into making the bowls.
Earlier this year, the bow hunters took part in a new program called “Hunters Against Hunger". Now, the Minnesota Firearms Deer Hunters are invited to do the same. Not only are you helping to feed the hungry, but the processing fees of all deer harvested and donated to Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank will be covered.